Today, Fossar Investment Bank is celebrating the tenth annual “Thanks Day”, with this year’s proceeds going to support the Unique Children Support Group (Icelandic: Einstök börn).
On “Thanks Day,” all commission income from stock exchange transactions and direct contributions from Fossar’s clients and supporters are donated in full to the cause. In recent years, there has been a growing trend of people making direct donations to the “Thanks Day” fund. Participating in the fundraising alongside Fossar are Nasdaq Iceland, the settlement company T Plus, and the advertising agency TVIST, which donates its services for the day.
Support Through Counselling and Group Activities
Unique Children is a support group for children and young people with rare diseases or syndromes whose activities have steadily increased in recent years to meet growing needs. The organization now supports nearly 800 families and caregivers, relying solely on voluntary contributions and volunteer work, with only one paid executive director position.
The funds raised on “Thanks Day” will be used to offer families free sessions with specialists and organize various group activities for the caregivers of unique children. The contributions from participants will thus enhance the organization’s operations and support the children and their families, who face diverse challenges every day.
The organization also provides advice and guidance to caregivers navigating the often complex healthcare system, offering this service free of charge to its members.
The Thanks Day has Grown Steadily
Fossar Investment Bank held the first “Thanks Day” in November 2015, awarding the initial grant of ISK 2.5 million to the Mothers’ Support Committee (Icel.: Mæðrastyrksnefnd). Since then, the contributions have increased annually in line with Fossar’s growing activities, with “Thanks Day” raising over ISK 114 million for nine beneficiaries since its inception. Last year, the Krýsuvík Organization (Icel.: Krýsuvíkursamtökin) received over ISK 24 million from the fundraiser.