Thanks Day fundraiser in support of action to improve mental health
Haraldur Thordarson, Fossar Markets’ CEO, has today presented Héðinn Unnsteinsson, Geðhjálp’s Chairman, with the ISK 12.6 million raised on the Thanks Day, November 26th.
“We at the Icelandic Mental Health Alliance, Geðhjálp, would like to thank Fossar Markets for their generous contribution, following the Thanks Day, in support of our efforts to improve the mental health of Icelanders,” says Héðinn Unnsteinsson, Geðhjálp’s Chairman. “We look forward to the implementation of action in support of Icelanders’ improved mental health that we will use the funds for next year.”
The delivery of the collection took place at Fossar Markets’ headquarters in Reykjavík at 10 this morning.
Contribute to improved mental health
Haraldur says it is a particular pleasure how well established the event has become. As before, the Thanks Day was very successful and especially gratifying how well the initiative was received, and how everyone was willing to participate. “This is a collaborative project between Fossar and its clients, as well as partners,” he says.
Haraldur also says that trying times, like those we are now experiencing due to Covid-19, shed light on the importance of good communications and how vital they are for people’s mental health. “The Fossar staff chose Geðhjálp unanimously as the recipient of this year’s Thanks Day collection to join forces with those who directly contribute to improving people’s mental health. “Now, as never before, we must pay heed to mental health, and offer strong support to those that see difficult times and challenges ahead,” he says.
Support that matters
This year marks Fossar Markets’ sixth annual Thanks Day. All commissions and fees on the day are donated to a deserving cause. Along with Fossar Markets, the Thanks Day also enjoys the support of the Nasdaq Iceland stock exchange and the settlement company T plus. Both donate their fees for the day to the charity. The advertising agency Tvist also donates its services related to the day.
“The Thanks day has become well established and is welcomed by Fossar Markets’ clients who are happy for the opportunity to aid those working for an important cause,” says Haraldur.
PHOTO: Collection handover. Haraldur Thordarson, Fossar Markets’ CEO, and Héðinn Unnsteinsson, Geðhjálp’s Chairman.