Anna Thorbjorg Jonsdottir has joined Fossar Markets to set up and lead the company‘s foreign investment platform for domestic investors. The lifting of capital controls in Iceland will create opportunities for investments in foreign markets. Fossar have been the leading Icelandic company in servicing foreign investors in Iceland and now Fossar are well equipped to service domestic investors wanting to invest in foreign markets.
Anna has over 10 years of experience working in international financial markets. Anna is co-chairman of World Financial Desk LLC (WFD), a New York City based high-technology proprietary trading firm that makes markets on numerous exchanges and electronic marketplaces globally. Anna co-founded the firm in 2008 and served as its Chief Investment Officer until 2014 when she stepped away from day to day operations. Prior to founding WFD, Anna worked as a trader for Madison Tyler Trading (now Virtu Financial) where she traded fixed income, equities, currencies and commodities.
Anna Jonsdottir has graduate degrees in Economics (M.A. University of California Los Angeles) and Financial Mathematics (M.Sc. University of Southern California).